Saturday, May 17, 2008

What is Twitter?

I've recently opened my new "Twitter" account. There is a lot of buzz about Twitter and how it is being used as part of a social networking strategy.

So what is it? It's another social group you can join to build relationships, create joint ventures, and attract prospects to your business.

It's like a blog, but limited to about 2 sentences.

So for example, if you update your blog, you can post it on Twitter. "Just posted a new article about (insert blog title.)" Then your followers can click on the link and see your new post.

Today, I learned that when you set up your Twitter account, you can create a link from Twitter to your blog that will allow your blog followers to become Twitter followers. Try it out. Click on the link on the right.

It's all about leveraging your time.

Here's a short video to explain Twitter in Plain English.

Today, set up your Twitter account at

Be sure to visit my account and click on "follow me."

1 comment:

Cenay Nailor said...

Hey Carla, just joined Twitter myself. What a hoot.

I did try to click your Twitter link to follow you, and got an error. Has your account name changed?

You can follow me at Cenay on Twitter -- follow me and I will return the favor. As Internet Marketers, we should probably put our heads together.