Saturday, March 29, 2008

Why name this blog Internet Marketing for Blondes?

When I was thinking about my targeted audience for my blog, I was planning to reach people who were new at internet marketing. I wanted to be entertaining as well as informative. So, as a blonde who is sometimes made fun of... for not catching on to jokes quickly, I thought those of you that were new to internet marketing might be able to relate to my situation.

My husband says I laugh at a joke 3 times:

  • First when the joke is told.
  • Second when it is explained to me.
  • Third time is when I finally get the joke.
Sometimes when we start something new (like internet marketing) we might be afraid to make mistakes and that someone might laugh at us. I hope to be able to share some basic internet marketing tips you can try without feeling like a dumb blonde. If it takes 3 times, that's OK, you'll still be ahead of all the others who let fear paralyze them from any action at all. Besides, I finally do get the jokes....and you will finally figure out how to make internet marketing work for you.

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